Thursday 3 November 2011

Aircraft Maintanence Engineer (AME)

friends would you like to joine Aaeropsace or Aeronautical Engineering . here i wish to give some more information pertaing to elgibility and  educational background that reqires you to become aerosepian .

   In India for joining these  courses in enigneering level  you must go through 12th class or eqvivalent  which is approved by AICTE in Scince .i.e  you should have  Mathematics,Physics  and chemsty as major subjects. and it may change also with the Countries. Let make sure your desire with aeronautics should strart with proper foot prints

   There are mainly two ways to get into aeronautical fields, i.e by joining AME or B.E/ .Let me procced by giving complete details of these things.

Aircraft Maintanence Engineer (AME)- This is Deploma ,which is given by DGCA after clearing the licence papers relating each stream that a individual choosen

An Aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) is a licenced person who carries out aircraft maintenance. This same title is used in a number of different counteries, including:
Aircraft maintenance engineer (Australia)
Aircraft maintenance engineer (Canada)
Aircraft maintenance engineer (India)
Aircraft maintenance engineer (New Zealand)
An AME is similar to, but has different national rules and procedures from, a US or European Aircraft Maintenance Technician.

     Let me mention clearly this diploma not degree and it has wast applications in field of Maintainence and  you will be having advantage by passing number of  licence papers .i.e.  more number of papers, greater  experiance and you will be placed well.

      As you all know this is application of all fields i.e. Mechanical,Electrical ,Electronics (Avionics) accoring to the papers you have choosen  you will get to work on that fields.....

     Shortly i would like to tell you all ,the Aircraft  Maintainance  engineering meance , an engineer who works with this sholud make Aircaft fit to fly for her next flight..

for any further information you can catch me ,google images.

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